A tale of two romanians: Hegemony and political antagonisms From the early 90's to the #Rezist Movement

Vlad Botgros
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Cartea A tale of Two Romanias: Hegemony and Political Antagonisms from the Early 90’s to the #Rezist Movement se axează pe antagonismul politic actual, simbolurile politice dominante ce rezultă din acest antagonism, precum și tacticile discursive ce amintesc de clivajul politic de la începutul anilor `90.
Două ipoteze centrale stau la baza acestei cărți: (1) atât antagonismele politice din anii `90, cât și cele contemporane au la bază strategii discursive similare și (2) ambele tabere politice sunt, mai mult sau mai puțin, neoliberale și conservatoare. Din punct de vedere teoretic, cercetarea se bazează, în principal, pe conceptul de hegemonie teoretizat de către Ernesto Laclau, dar și pe ficțiunea simbolică a lui Slavoj Zizek și dialectica negativă teoretizată de către Theodor Adorno, iar din punct de vedere metodologic, pe unelte din repertoriul analizei critice de discurs (CDA), aceasta fiind compatibilă din punct de vedere teoretic cu acele concepte, menționate mai sus.


The present book is a rewriting of Vlad Botgros’ Ph.D. thesis. As a doctoral dissertation, it was a surprising, unusual work in the field or Romanian political science. It remains an interesting book that offers both a pleasure to read and a lot to learn on post-1990 Romanian society.
It is a methodologically rigorous text that looks at contemporary Romanian politics through the lens of critical discourse analysis, using a patchwork of discursive artefacts, many of which are uncommon to the usual political scientist. It also stands out methodologically. Even if qualitative methodology is very wide-spread in social science dissertations in Romania, I have to say that many of these are insufficiently well constructed in a methodological sense and border on journalistic investigations on different subjects.
This book is important and topical mostly because it deconstructs an ideological complex that is extremely present these days as in the whole post-Communist period of our country.

Prof. dr. Robert D. Reisz
Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences,
West University of Timisoara

A tale of two romanians: Hegemony and political antagonisms From the early 90's to the #Rezist Movement